Sunday, April 24, 2016

Wow,  my memory is again "fading" but hey,  I'm still here!!! So, today is Anzac day and I just stumbled upon my Blog which I hadn't visited since 2014!!! I am still here and what is more my health continues to astound me. We are almost in to the final month of Autumn and the drop in temperature, being gradual, hasn't been too bad.

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Wow, time sure fly's when you're having fun.
It is now 21 december, 2014 and we're almost ticking over into 2015.
Not a heck of a lot has happened since I last updated my blog but I sure am not missing the cold days & nights, that's for sure!!:)
I will have to begin blogging on a regular basis as from today so, see you tomorrow morning, Omg it is almost Xmas and the WM tells me it will top 25C today so that's one good thing anyways!!:)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Howdy Blog,

damn, it's now been three years since I created this blog! I certainly did not expect to be absent for this long but well, things happen and things have certainly happened in this period!
October 31, 2007 was the last time I was in here! Amazingliy, to think that in the intervening period I have been involved in an industial strike, the very first one that I have been involved in since I began work some forty years ago!! I have since left my employment because of ill-health to be again reduced to nothing but a figure in "history"! I will be remembered as one of the many people that have been forgotten but not missed by society! When I resigned my position with my last employer, it was not because I wanted to but because I had to. In 2007, I suffered a work-related accident but because ACC has refused to accept the accident as such, [after spending thousands of dollars hiring professionals] they eventually "proved" my accident to be as a result of the onset of "premature-aging"!!
I ask you, how lame is that???

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


During the past seven days I have probably done more work around my house than I have done during the last twelve months! But, I have enjoyed it, whilst learning from the challenges that have occurred during this time. Today I managed to give the section a good "manicure", mowing the lawns and giving the surrounds a general "spruce-up". My daughter has been away on holiday during this time so I am "feavourishly" working to complete all the things that need done before she comes home this weekend!

I must admit that this period, even though I have been productive with my time off, has been a restful one allowing me to recouperate! I will be a new man come the end of my holiday, fully rested and ready for another few months before my next break, probably over christmas. Thats what I've needed, I now realise, this time has been "time-out" and I'm sure that my daughter will be relishing her time away with her mother as well. Things were getting a little "testy" prior to her trip away and I'm sure that things will be on a more "even" keel when she returns!

I'm sure that other people will have been, or will be, in the same predicament as I and I'd be interested to see how many people share my feelings on the matter of "Time-Out"???